The InfoTects, my UX Design team, collaborated to redesign the University Writing Program (UWP) website in order to improve the overall user experience. By utilizing user experience design methodologies, we designed an improved website in order to elicit a positive user experience which benefits students, faculty, and administration.
You can access the current UWP Website here.
You can read our documentation behind the UX process here.
And you can access our new website's working prototype here.
Here are some images of the main page layouts:
With our final product, we fixed a lot of problems with information organization. The look, feel, and organization was not consistent with other UC Davis web experiences. Our group decided that a uniform experience is important because users would be able to access information more quickly if they have an existing schema of the website’s functionality. After visiting websites such as psychology.ucdavis.edu and crossculturalcenter.ucdavis.edu, our group adjusted the website's aesthetic, and modified signifiers and color schemes to be more consistent with other UC Davis sites.